Style up your backyard for Canada Day long weekend entertainment
Needless to say how important it is now more than ever to up your at-home entertainment game. Some people have a natural inclination to plan a good dinner party, some need more effort. As long as the results are great, it’s all worth it!
So where do you start? It does not have to be complicated, keep in mind that simplicity can have a lot of charm and start here: from us to you, our Canada Day gift, a few of the methods that we routinely employ in design. They ensure just the right atmosphere that you can easily try in your own backyard.
The dining table placed in the right spot. It needs to have sufficient movement around, not block doorways and have good views from most, if not all, seats.
We’ve build this deck with ambiance in mind: planters are integrated with steps and curtesy lighting for visual interest both, day and night.
Build the views from the table, as each guest has to have the best you can offer. Flower pots placed just at the right angle, and raised greenery will do the trick.
We’ve mixed orange begonias with Savannah Pink geraniums for holiday-ready colour splash.
One of my preferred outdoor looks is a layered table setting. When dining al-fresco, this gives you a completely new angle and the freedom to use objects that you would not necessarily consider otherwise.
A wonderful example of bucolic dining, with natural linen table, newspaper, and seeds used as table decor. Image curtesy of Victoria Shes from Unsplash
Consider the complete menu in relationship to the season even if you opt for all-time Canadian favourites like poutine, caesars and beavertails. Hot and heavy dishes like poutine would need some balancing with seasonal vegetables and fruit. These will not only help your digestive system, but they will add colour and a touch of freshness to your table presentation.
If you have herbs in your garden, hold off to cutting them and adding them to dishes to the very last minute. The fragrance will be stronger and fill the air.
Blueberry and strawberry salad with mint leaves and peach syrup. Stay tuned for our favourite recipes!
Enhance lighting to extend charm into the evening. Mixing locations is a fantastic trick to get dark and light spots that accentuate background and faces. Think of stage light and the great drama it creates. Careful lighting is the best way to achieve a perfect mood and it can be done quite economically.
For more fun and practical design advice subscribe to our Dochia Living blog via the link below or call us to book a personalized consult.