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“The healing power of architecture lies in interior design.”

A multiple award-winning Canadian interior designer, Adriana is the founder and creative lead of Land of dochia in Toronto.

With creative power and expert knowledge, Adriana and her team generate thousands of buildable and beautiful interior spaces. Adriana maintains creative control over all projects in the office, offering her clients a truly boutique design approach.

All her designs are stories of an impeccable lifestyle, a lifestyle that celebrates self-confidence, personal idiosyncrasies and the finer things in life.

“My creative output uniquely combines the love of architecture and design history, passion for creative thinking, knowledge of fine detailing and a deep understanding of patterns and habits of living. I've been told that I have a unique capability to build bespoke cohesive spaces that have an intangible positive connection with my clients for whom I designed them.”



The Team

Dochia is an award winning and fully accredited interior design firm in Toronto, Canada. Our signature style is a unique mix of culturally and stylistically diverse elements with a confident, well-curated and cosmopolitan vibe.

Founded by Canadian interior designer Adriana Mot, in 2020 Dochia’s team celebrated two decades of design

With backgrounds in architecture, interior design, technical detailing and art, Dochia’s team brings a significant wealth of knowledge and experience to all aspects of the project. Adriana is known to her clients for her impeccable taste and ability to balance practicality with innovation in delivering successful design solutions. An invited expert-opinion contributor to Reno & Décor and Condo Life, Adriana has been practicing interior design for over 19 years. She served as a Member of the ARIDO Board of Directors, and is an accredited interior designer in Ontario.


Living with Selftropy in the Land of Dochia

A lifestyle that defines and inspires impeccable living and a land where positive emotions are created and nourished through design


Have you ever wondered why you just feel good in some interiors and not in others? Why sometimes you’re energized by your surroundings and sometimes you’re put down? Why in the same interior, two people can have in-sync or sometimes conflicting emotions?

Designing with selftropy in mind you have control over your personal emotional bond between you and your surroundings

GET IN TOUCH to learn how selftropy can make your life better

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