On reinvention and true innovation

When Stephen King wrote, "Sooner or later, everything old is new again," he captured one of the most useful starting points of creative thinking: the past. To the general public, reinvention and novelty are tricky because true originality is seldom welcomed. Although most of us long for something new, we tend to associate an idealized and often esoteric dimension to novelty that is, in fact, imbued into the familiar. We look at and judge everything presented to us as novel through the prism of biases, personal tastes and experiences and cultural upbringing. In its instinctive form, human nature favours realities and concepts that fall under the familiar realm and rejects those that are too distanced from it.

Have you ever been in a situation where you looked at a piece of art or a building that has been praised in the industry's literature, yet you thought, why on earth will this be as valuable as they make it to be? They don't know what they're talking about; this is complete gibberish? Then you know what I'm talking about.

Read the full blog article HERE