Posts tagged colour
Blue is the new black and 10 things to do with it

In antiquity, this beautiful colour was praised in the form of the Lapis Lazuli, a semi-precious stone with deep, dreamy blue tones. Egyptians believed it had the power to give you immortality and open the heart to love. They produced what it is believed to be the first blue dye dating back to over 6000 years ago and they are credited with the invention of the blue pigment eponymously called “Egyptian blue” or cuprorivaite. Need I say more? …

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Stylishly laid back, the new kind of casual

A new kind of casualness

What is casualness but the relaxed and unconcerned manner we inherently have without the filter of conventions and care of others?

Have you defined what this is for you? How are you most comfortably dressed? What’s your “thing”, that which does it for you, that which you indulge in that relaxes you? Is that a solo activity or one that you like sharing? Are there more?

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