March 2022 \\ in FOCUS at Dochia \\ CHANGE

"Everything can change, but not the language that we carry inside us, like a world more exclusive and final than one's mother's womb."

Italo Calvino

What is critical about change is that it truly is a gift of survival, as it is the capacity of an individual to alter what does not work in their lives. Every species on earth has that, we're totally not the ones that clog it as our own.

The most successful changes that we can ever make are those that are true to our own soul and that belong to our own story. If life is a personal narrative, we must understand what makes us take the paths we take, what choices we have at every point on the road because, we do have choices all along, even when it seems that we do not.

Healthy changes do not have to be drastic, nor do they have to reflect those aspects that you hold most dear.  But to block your capacity to change, or simply the willingness to do so, is a sign that your process of dying has started. The thing is that a lot of that process you cannot control. Luckily, change you can.


Read the whole series at #landofdochiamonthlyfocus

Published by Dochia Media

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