Posts tagged focus

Ethereal, I lift from the ground up, my parts loosening up, floating away, like off a spaceship out in the universe, as I spread myself thin in the air of my home. I land on familiar surfaces that hold me gently. My fingers on the paint of the walls, my foot slightly touching, my mind, decomposed, recomposed skimmed out thin like jam on hardwood floors, for others to step onto, and as I learn their knowledge, my mind hardens and reshapes itself above, gulping down everything and spitting it out again. Making and remaking myself every day.

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A smile in the corner of a mouth, the breath of wind whisperer of secretes from lands afar, the orchid of one's childhood, the golden proportions of an Italian villa perched among tall poplars on soft abundant hills, the sound of resonating music in a sun-filled Sunday afternoon alleyway with it's many open windows and scents of dinners and your new shoes on the pavement as you pass fast, toward your own home, your expectation, excitement, hunger for another day, a new day, filled with all the beauties in the world.

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VIBE - FOCUS February 2023

The ease with which we move within our imagination is quickly dismissed when a good reality is cast upon us. Sometimes, we become content and relaxed at the expense of not seeing the next step that can take us even further. Vibing well is an awesome ride to catch upward, not something to bathe in like a stagnant pool after a summer's shower rain.

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in FOCUS \\ August '22 \\ SELF CARE

The realization that we're truly alone in this world comes much later in life than it should. In fact, for some, it does not come at all. Some think of this as a bad thing when in fact, there is nothing bad about it. Too much reliance on parents, extended family, friends and support groups is detrimental to an individual's life on many levels. On the other hand self-sufficiency, at least to a certain extent, is extremely useful.

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in FOCUS \\ May '22 \\ CREATIVITY

Ah! Where do I begin? There is no life outside of a creative life. For some it is as tiny morsel, for some, a whole ocean.

Anthropologically we look at where we came from and all we admire in the history of mankind is the creative drive that brought along development and civilization. Looking towards the future, it's still the most creative outputs that hold our breath high enthralled in pleasure, intensely stimulating and exhilarating.

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“A prisoner should know that there are thousands of imprisoned freemen living in this world...jailed in their own society, handcuffed by duties..”
― Munia Khan

Not a year like another, we say. Isn't that true though about every year?
Does it matter that this one was filled with disease, loneliness, solitude and more loneliness? Does it matter that it was a crippling one? Yes it does.

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