in FOCUS \\ June '22 \\ EXPLORATION

“If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home.”

James Michener

This year marks 30 years since my biggest lifetime journey, immigration.
This month marks 17 years since my daughter came into the world.
This week, like any other week, marks the casual pace of my life that I choose to live. This day marks the international children's day that celebrates life at its beginnings.

This moment, the one in which you read these very words I wrote, marks the moment of our minds being intertwined.

Our constant connecting with people and places is in so many ways what make us who we are. Like in music, part of that connection is resonating with - or rejecting - what we encounter along the way.


Read the whole series at #landofdochiamonthlyfocus

Published by Dochia Media

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