Posts tagged time
The Big Easy, part 1 – Since I gave up doing my to do list, things got easy

The amount of books that promote the value of lists is unsurmountable, and they still pile up one writer after another, telling you how to take the time to put it down and then follow through. What time? You say. I barely have time to shower, when can I make a list and then also get the things on it done? There is never time; that’s the problem.

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5 things you can do to make time and what making time really means

If you don't have time, you make time. Yes, it is that easy. We mistakenly think that time is something you have to get. Like there is a place where you go buy it. But think of how often we say that if we had the time we would do this and that and look at you now, during pandemic and as we're getting out of it. Think about, it, when does this ever happen? That life goes on hold and you have time handed to you without making an effort to make it? Never!

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