Posts tagged wellbeing
Selftropy Manifesto

Design and science are equally important
Reality is systemic, inter-connected, and ever-changing, and it does not take place in a vacuum. Design methods produce solutions that reflect that. They are environment-sensitive, bio-responsive and non- destructive to both the human subject and the environment. Science, in an unnatural way, validates everything through experimental isolation. Equally valuable truths stem from both approaches; science just had the stage for longer.

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Home vibe – what it really is and how to positively resonate with your home, part 2

Home-lovers and house-users are two kinds of homeowners that look at things very differently.

The home-lovers cherish their homes dearly; the house-users have a non-emotional go-about their day, move tomorrow if a better gig appears type of sentiments. There is nothing wrong with either; however, if you’re in the house-user camp, something is to be said about losing some opportunity here for a better self.

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Time's a waste! Change your home and boost your brain power

What is there to think about when you thought about "things" for more than half a century? What is there to buy when you bought all that you need? Where is there to travel when you've travelled everywhere. If you've gotten to the point where you've wondered about these, the answer is ... plenty. And if you think otherwise, your brain needs realignment.

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How cocooning helps you live your life first, and then worry about the others

'In case of emergency, put your own mask first before helping others'. We're all too familiar with the over-scripted airline instruction, the ubiquitous mantra of distant travel.

Sometimes interpreted as a much deeper life lesson, you can easily understand how this advice can lend a better you, a you that can help more by just helping yourself first.

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5 things you can do to make time and what making time really means

If you don't have time, you make time. Yes, it is that easy. We mistakenly think that time is something you have to get. Like there is a place where you go buy it. But think of how often we say that if we had the time we would do this and that and look at you now, during pandemic and as we're getting out of it. Think about, it, when does this ever happen? That life goes on hold and you have time handed to you without making an effort to make it? Never!

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Why constant learning is important and what it does to your brain

We typically think of school age as learning and all that follows, as something else. That ‘something else’ is the honing of more or less repetitive tasks that make up our lives. And as we increasingly enjoy the pleasure of getting better at them, we tend to spend less and less time acquiring new activities, new hobbies, new usable knowledge….

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August 2021 \\ in FOCUS at Dochia \\ RELAXATION

"If you do what you love, it is the best way to relax. "

Christian Louboutin

This month we will look at which kind of travel triggers relaxation to a level where you can reap it's benefits long after you've returned home, at how cottage life, the home away from home, is food for a healthy mind and at how choosing a carrier that makes you happy and fills your day with tasks that you love doing adds golden years to your life by the bucket.

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