in FOCUS \\ April '22 \\ FORGETTING

“There is nothing new except what has been forgotten.”

Marie Antoinette

Think about all the first experiences of youth. The simple ones. The ones that now, you don't even notice you are living. Like walking on a city street by yourself, not holding the hand of your parent, where every single silly thing around you is so great.

It is still with childlike joy that I discover something new. A new restaurant, perched on a cliff on Capri where I do not return often enough, a long-forgotten dress in the corner of my closet, a perfect hors d'oeuvre that could not be tastier nor prettier, the whiff of a scent gently slapping my nose,  a passer-by sharing my brisk walk of a city street.

Forgetting never travels without her cousin, novelty. To be able to enjoy the excitement of novelty powerfully and unapologetically, you must have a healthy amount of forgetting that you allow yourself to experience.


Read the whole series at #landofdochiamonthlyfocus

Published by Dochia Media

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