Posts tagged wellness
Culture, welcome to mental health age part 2

When in 1946, the World Health Organization (WHO) appointed Mental Health as an actual discipline, it globally validated the field and closed the last loop on what human health is. That was two thousand years since Hippocrates linked psychological disorders to biological causes and broke the pre-existing belief that mental illnesses were fuelled by supernatural intervention. With that, the rest was history.

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Selftropy Manifesto

Design and science are equally important
Reality is systemic, inter-connected, and ever-changing, and it does not take place in a vacuum. Design methods produce solutions that reflect that. They are environment-sensitive, bio-responsive and non- destructive to both the human subject and the environment. Science, in an unnatural way, validates everything through experimental isolation. Equally valuable truths stem from both approaches; science just had the stage for longer.

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VIBE - FOCUS February 2023

The ease with which we move within our imagination is quickly dismissed when a good reality is cast upon us. Sometimes, we become content and relaxed at the expense of not seeing the next step that can take us even further. Vibing well is an awesome ride to catch upward, not something to bathe in like a stagnant pool after a summer's shower rain.

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Time's a waste! Change your home and boost your brain power

What is there to think about when you thought about "things" for more than half a century? What is there to buy when you bought all that you need? Where is there to travel when you've travelled everywhere. If you've gotten to the point where you've wondered about these, the answer is ... plenty. And if you think otherwise, your brain needs realignment.

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A much needed lifestyle trend change for Fall: social-islands and the fight against loneliness

When Malinowski coined the ubiquitous term in the 1920s, nuclear families had been at the root of most societies for more than 500 years. Yet it has not always been so; in history, we see other constructs that have been much more successful in delivering a wide range of impressive lifestyle benefits as precursors of this now prevalent reality. Nuclear families, even by definition, are proponents of exclusion. A nucleus is compactly closed, not open. It hardens its barriers to the rest of the world rejecting fluency. Indubitably a suitable environment for the very young, for young adults and beyond, nuclear families are not enough.

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in FOCUS \\ August '22 \\ SELF CARE

The realization that we're truly alone in this world comes much later in life than it should. In fact, for some, it does not come at all. Some think of this as a bad thing when in fact, there is nothing bad about it. Too much reliance on parents, extended family, friends and support groups is detrimental to an individual's life on many levels. On the other hand self-sufficiency, at least to a certain extent, is extremely useful.

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February 2022 \\ in FOCUS at Dochia \\ HABITS

The thing about habits is that you can always build new ones. That's the beauty of it. Yet they are so hard to break. The attachments that we develop toward our own habits are some of the strongest we experience.

In our lives, habits often fill a time of waiting. Time you don't really know what to do with. They feast on such incertitude. And other times, they help you grab the day by the horns.

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