Posts tagged 2021
Top Ten Most Cherished Highlights of 2021 at Dochia Interior Design

It is said that in moments of crisis some fold and some flourish. I would say that we at Dochia have definitely flourished!!

From international awards and recognition to a 300% increase in our followers across all social platforms, from accolade development projects to luxurious residences, we’ve had a prolific and accomplished design year!

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My top five New Year resolutions for 2022

Resolutions work for me! I suggest you try it out! In the first 49 years of my life, I kept none. As my 49th year started, I decided to make a few and guess what! it worked out.

started, I decided to make a few and guess what! it worked out.

Does that mean that I have not accomplished anything in the years past? Of course not. But out of the few reasonable and decent resolutions that I've proposed to myself last year, some have come to fruition in a nice and satisfying way. And that's enough.

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Best of 2021 – from home rituals to healthy habits, design helps you live a better life

As the year ends, join me, and let’s revisit some of the best, most read, and most liked of My 2 cents on design blog posts of 2021!

I have to say I’m very proud of myself. It is not an easy feat to keep a weekly blog. It is hard work and frankly, without a passion for writing you will not succeed. Many thanks to Jessica that has taken on the hard task of helping with the uploads and without which there would’ve been way less posts for you to read!

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Health above all else and a look at how the three toughest 2021 trends shaped my design ideas

Health above all else is what shaped pretty much everything this past year.

As much as this is a fact at any point in life for anyone and in every century, this year we've been globally reminded of our own mortality. The solidarity that ensued, even with its systemic flaws here and there, stood proof of humanity's power to direct itself as species. Independent of you agreeing or not with local policies, the psychological impact that this global lifestyle catastrophe has generated has touched and will continue to touch all aspects of life.

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