Posts tagged design
Let's cheer for Adriana as she represents Canadian creativity and innovation!

Dochia's recent award-winning project reflects the essence of Selftropy Design – a fusion of neurodesign principles, ensuring a harmonious blend of aesthetics and emotional resonance. 🤝🏠 Stay tuned for updates on the award ceremony and the global impact of Dochia’s neurodesign contributions to interior design! 🌟

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The Peter Pan Phenomenon

The PETER PAN PHENOMENON is living in homes that lack the three basic elements of universal design. According to a Harvard study, 25% of households have someone that lives with some impairment, yet most homes built before the new millennium are for those that will not grow old. Considering that 9 out of 10 of us want to age in place, something here is not quite right.

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An artfully harmony of heirlooms and artifacts with a contemporary aesthetic

Canadian designers often face the challenges of merging heirlooms and artifacts with a contemporary aesthetic, as many families have a link to one old world or another. This is such a home where the interiors have been shaped at the intersection of a distant past with the contemporary architecture of the present and a new world. The project is the recipient of 2024 The Asia Pacific International Awards.

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In 2021, in Canada, high school education levels were at 94%. According to a 2022 article in Globe and Mail, a quarter of Canadians have a college diploma that stems from a two-year programme. On the other hand, education is one of the key factors to longevity and wellbeing because of its unique capacity to boost cognitive acuity and slow down decline. Read in our Winter edition of the Land of Dochia Magazine how this connects to the design of your home and what you can do to stay ahead of the curve.

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Cottage Living - a nostalgic escape

Red! The IT colour of this fall season. Not only for fashion, a pop of red painted walls, in furniture or accessories is an easy way to implement the trend in your home. For twist on the classic feature wall try instead a feature ceiling. Similar to what we’ve done here, opt for tone on tone neutral walls and go bold with the ceiling paint.

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Designing with AI - Canadian Cottage Country

A growing collaboration - Perhaps a malice, perhaps a bliss, who is to say? It might as well be in the middle. Our love-hate relationship with technology. Recently, we started using AI not to generate ideas – of which we have plenty more than any AI – but rather, to express those ideas in a visual form, for clients to understand what we’re suggesting. Custom-designed inspirational images – now that, that is useful!

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Selftropy Manifesto

Design and science are equally important
Reality is systemic, inter-connected, and ever-changing, and it does not take place in a vacuum. Design methods produce solutions that reflect that. They are environment-sensitive, bio-responsive and non- destructive to both the human subject and the environment. Science, in an unnatural way, validates everything through experimental isolation. Equally valuable truths stem from both approaches; science just had the stage for longer.

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What is good communication and why in design it mostly means perfectly organizing myriads of decisions

Good communication is about clarity of expression. That’s what we were all taught from the early days, and that’s the first mistake. Asserting that the control of communication is in the hands of the sender while ignoring that interpretation at the receiver’s end is as crucial, is the exact recipe for the Tower of Babel. We do not get taught enough how to correctly interpret the information that we receive or negotiate clarity along the way. As a result, we are all convinced we send the information out accurately, and, naturally, it’s everyone else’s fault for not getting it right.

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