Posts tagged health
The Peter Pan Phenomenon

The PETER PAN PHENOMENON is living in homes that lack the three basic elements of universal design. According to a Harvard study, 25% of households have someone that lives with some impairment, yet most homes built before the new millennium are for those that will not grow old. Considering that 9 out of 10 of us want to age in place, something here is not quite right.

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Culture, welcome to mental health age part 2

When in 1946, the World Health Organization (WHO) appointed Mental Health as an actual discipline, it globally validated the field and closed the last loop on what human health is. That was two thousand years since Hippocrates linked psychological disorders to biological causes and broke the pre-existing belief that mental illnesses were fuelled by supernatural intervention. With that, the rest was history.

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Donate and help Ukrainian families

❤️ To all Ukrainian families, this is our way to help. 🗽 There are 195 countries in the world. If each of them donates the cost of living of one Ukrainian family for a month they would commonly raise 351,000C$. It only takes 0.09¢ from each Canadian to reach that goal. It takes 5¢ from each Torontonian to reach that goal.

Head out to our donation page and help. However, you want to donate, through our site, through the charity links we provide, or through charitable organizations of your own choosing, it’s irrelevant. What is important is to act.

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“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.” John Green

The truth is that to maintain mental health is simple. It is as simple as maintaining physical health. It's just that there is less knowledge of how to do it. Too spread out. Too many opinions, too many possibilities, too many home remedies and do it yourself. And still, too much stigma.

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Three tips for a healthy home during seclusion

Get ready to self-assess how healthy your home is and what you can do about it. While some feel that the terrifying situation at hand is paralyzing, there is nothing better than carving your own pattern of normality to get you thru it. So take action and indulge in a positively practical distraction. Leaving the more complex aside, here are three easy tips for healthier interiors that do not require construction. Read how you can easily apply them yourself now, in self-isolation, and turn your home into a nourishing and more enjoyable environment for you and your family.

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