Posts tagged selftropy
Eco Houses: The Beauty of Rammed Earth Construction for Sustainable Living

In the pursuit of a sustainable future, the architecture and construction industry has taken a significant turn towards environmentally friendly practices. One such innovative approach gaining popularity is the construction of eco houses using rammed earth, a method that seamlessly blends beauty, functionality, and sustainability.

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Stanford certification, a look back at what I’ve learned and what I’m doing with it

Before modernity, Interiors were part of enhanced living. Humanity’s way to connecting with the universe. It was believed that symbols, amulets, and even colours brought into the home, influence our wellbeing. With modern life, we lost that to Form&Function as we’ve prioritized this duality ever since. Going against it is now unquestionable. It is so ingrained in how we understand the built environment that the sheer proposition that Form&Function is not everything in design is blasphemy.

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Selftropy Manifesto - On sharing and selfishness

Social climates have the power to remap the earth. As we've erased meaningful cultural signifiers, we have forgotten the importance of communication as a perpetual, reciprocal transmission. We used to communicate with Gods, mother nature, plants, and animals. We used to use our thoughts, gestures, posture, and rituals. We must re-learn how to tell, think, listen and share as a planet.

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Selftropy Manifesto

Design and science are equally important
Reality is systemic, inter-connected, and ever-changing, and it does not take place in a vacuum. Design methods produce solutions that reflect that. They are environment-sensitive, bio-responsive and non- destructive to both the human subject and the environment. Science, in an unnatural way, validates everything through experimental isolation. Equally valuable truths stem from both approaches; science just had the stage for longer.

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