Posts tagged self care
Selftropy Manifesto

Design and science are equally important
Reality is systemic, inter-connected, and ever-changing, and it does not take place in a vacuum. Design methods produce solutions that reflect that. They are environment-sensitive, bio-responsive and non- destructive to both the human subject and the environment. Science, in an unnatural way, validates everything through experimental isolation. Equally valuable truths stem from both approaches; science just had the stage for longer.

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in FOCUS \\ August '22 \\ SELF CARE

The realization that we're truly alone in this world comes much later in life than it should. In fact, for some, it does not come at all. Some think of this as a bad thing when in fact, there is nothing bad about it. Too much reliance on parents, extended family, friends and support groups is detrimental to an individual's life on many levels. On the other hand self-sufficiency, at least to a certain extent, is extremely useful.

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